

The soil in the forest restoration area is classified as Dystrophic RED-YELLOW ARGISOL, according to Embrapa, however, in places bordering the stream, there is a soil with a more clayey and waterlogged texture, where the implantation requires specific care, such as mechanized activity, digging and the use of species that are more tolerant to water saturation in the soil.
This distinction of soil is essential to direct our efforts, as the Red-Yellow Argisol class has low natural fertility, being dystrophic, its soil is very acidic, which also makes it more vulnerable to erosion.
Créditos: Eng. Florestal Nélio André Moraes Caldeira
In the pictures below we can see the flat and waterlogged area, with a clayey aspect due to water retention, which can be seen thanks to the cattle trampling that leaves visible holes.
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