

Açaí is the name of two palm species, Euterpe precatoria (açaí-solteiro, Açaí-da-mata,) and Euterpe oleracea (Açaí-de-touceira, açaí-verdade) belongs to the Arecaceae family whose fruit produces a pulp called açaí “wine”, which has violet color and strong flavor.

The Açaí tree is farmed in hard lands where the forest is floodplain and ombrophilous. It is a climax species in the dynamics of forest succession. The flowers and fruits can be found throughout the year. The harvest is the period of greatest fruit production. The handicrafted process is done when the fruits are soaked in water for 24 hours, then macerated in a sieve to remove the pulp. This process can also be done in an açaí pulping machine. After remove all  fruit pulp, açaí “wine” can be prepared, a highly energetic and nutritious, violet – colored drink. From this pulp are other preparations such as juices, ice cream, popsicles, and “chicha”, a fermented beverage commonly ingested by the natives indians Amazonians. The seed of the açaí palm is used in regional handicrafts to make bracelets, purses, and necklaces. The most commonly used seed is the açaí-solteiro. After cleaning, the seed becomes white, different from the açaí nut seed, which is violet. The stipe is the trunk of the açaí tree  that can be used as structural beams for houses in rural spaces. The açaí tree also produces heart of palm, which can be eaten fresh, as a salad ingredient or other cooking recipes.

The palm heart consumed is the palm’s apical meristem, where the leaf primordium are located. Remove the palm heart means to eliminate the plant because the meristem is at the apex of the stipe and it causes a fast death of the plant with no chances of survival. Through the removal of palm heart in large quantities, this action was considered predatory exploitation and brought a drastic decrease about açaí trees populations in the past.

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