
Brazilian Mahogany

The Brazilian mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) is an Amazon native. It is one of the best known trees in the world, because of the almost irreplaceable beauty and quality of this wood that was widely exploited in its original locations, which almost caused extinction.

Mahogany is on the official list of endangered Brazilian flora species and is listed on the international protection organizations that prohibit its worldwide commercialization (CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), unless it comes from plantation certified or management plan authorized by the mentioned organizations.

Mahogany trees reach heights nearly 70 m and 3.50 m, with DBH (diameter at breast height), and measured at 1.30 m approaching on the ground level at maturity. One felled tree in south Pará yielded 25 m3 of wood.

Sunny climates contributes for good growth of this species. As matter of fact It doesn’t tolerate low temperatures. It has monopodial growth with good natural pruning. As previously mentioned, this kind of tree has an intense problem of shootborer in pure plantations. Meanwhile, it’s sugested criteria for planting a mahogany tree, using an adequate silvicultural techniques and if possible, in association with other species that reduce attack pressure.

Moderately thick (density 0.48 A 0.85g/cm³), 12 to 15% of humidity, moderate resistance to rotting and high resistance to drywood termite attack and, non-durable when in it contacts on the ground and moisture temperature. One of the caracteristc of this wood is the intense reddish brown color. Mahogany wood is easy to work receiving a somewhat rough workmanship. Because of its excellent use in carpentry and another utilities, was considered one of the most famous woods between the 80’s and the beginning of the 2000’s, when it was intensity explored.

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