

Sacred to the Mayans in Mexico, and for several Brazilian indian natives,  Samaúma is considered the queen tree of Amazon, heights ranging from 60 to 70 meters (can reach up to 90 m), the “mother of trees” is known for the immensity trunk which can have three meters in diameter – and for being able to draw water from deep soil supplies not only itself, but also irrigates other species in the region.

Also called mafumeira, sumaúma and kapok this majestic tree has soft wood which produces fruits that are widely used to make upholstery and stuffing  cushions and pillows. The fiber present in the seeds, the material has become an alternative to cotton and a key characteristic of the plant.

The wide, branched trunk has given rise to native legends about the tree’s ability that become shelter.

Besides the fact that bark tea works as a diuretic, different parts of Ceiba pentandra (scientific name of the species) can be used for deseases treatment such as bronchitis, arthritis, and conjunctivitis.

A powerful real heritage from Latin American flora. The trunk branches next to Samaúma roots make high compartments, which are often used as shelter and housing for indian natives and other local populations.

Sacred tree is one of the largest in the Amazon Rainforest the majestic macumbeira delights visitors, and also remains as a symbol of strength and protection for who lives under its natural reign.

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